Review of K.S. Marsden's The Lost Soul

You know a book is good when, even though you're starting a new job, getting your son into Kindergarten, moving to a new city, renting out your house, and writing your own book-you still find the time to read it.  That is exactly what was happening in my life when I received a copy of The Lost Soul.

First of all let me just say kuddos to the K.S. Marsden, because writing a first chapter that immediately sucks you in is no easy task.  So great job at creating likable intriguing characters that I couldn't wait to follow throughout the book.

Within the first few pages I was fascinated, surprised, scared, and begging for more all at once.  K.S. Marsden writes in such a way that you feel that you can anticipate the story, but just as you think that, another angle gets thrown in.  Without giving to much away I will say that the main character, Samantha is one that we can all relate to; the unforeseen heroine that follows her crush into a portal to another world. There's fantasy, adventure, and characters you want to see succeed, what else can you ask for?

Let me just say I can't wait for book 2.

Be sure to pick up your copy of The Lost Soul Book 1 of Enchena by K.S. Marsden NOW.


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