I'm Almost 30, What Have I Done With My Life?!

My birthday is less than a month away and taking advice from the great Rob Lowe it's a perfect time for me to take stock; figure out what I'm doing in my life and assess if I like where it's leading.

I'm a list and categories type of girl and so not surprisingly I sat down and started putting a list together of my accomplishments, that quickly failed. Here's why, life isn't that neat and predictable.  Sitting down and composing a list makes ones life seem overly simplistic and it minimalizes your achievements and your failures, two things that are equally important when it comes to learning and growth.

Not to mention, how does one label life events as simple failures and achievements in the first place? How does one decide what worked and what didn't? Doesn't everything teach us something even if the lesson is as simple as, "don't ever do that again"?

So taking stock and a failed list had led me to understand that life at 27 years old has once again shown me that as much as I've grown and changed I've equally stayed the same. I'm still ambitious and plan my life years in advance I still am learning how to relax and live in the moment (although my kids make that very easy). I still love food even though my passion has moved to me leaving processed foods behind for the most part and baking everything fresh. Teaching is still one of my favorite things, now I just teach adults and serve on a school board to get my fix rather than teaching Sunday school. Writing, service, and love are the major constants in my life, so I suppose in that respect I am quite happy where I am as I approach 28.

I'm open to what this year of life will bring, with my real estate license and a new book cooking on my PC, I'm ready.

Fellow September babies, or fellow almost 30's do you feel as though you're reaching some sort of crisis as your birthday approaches?  Have you "taken stock?"  What epiphanies did you experience?


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