Indie Author's Review of Mad Men Final Season: Episode 3

Review of Mad Men Episode 3 
Do not read on if you haven't watched the most recent episode of Mad Men, because there's going to be some spoilers.

If you're wondering why I'm reviewing a TV show on my author blog it's because I love TV.  I love to read but I also love to see what writers can do especially when their vision is acted out and all comes to life in our living rooms rather than in our minds.  Now with that out of the way I'm going to dive right into Sunday's episode.

A lot of folks are wondering why Betty Francis is still on the show after she and Don divorced years ago, and while the past few seasons have sometimes struggled with what to do with her (her making goulash in a dilapidated apartment building) but sometimes had epic wins (her & Don having sex at summer camp) with her appearances I have to say last night's deal served as a a sort of meter stick for me.  While Peggy is acting unrecognizable in her melancholy induced madness and Meagan has become, in Don's words, "a lunatic" it was nice to see a familiar female character that was exactly who she's always been no matter how despicable, she was one hundred percent Betts.

Now Megan...her agent calls Don and asks him to sort her out since apparently she's stalking directors in attempts to get a job.  Don is shocked but I have to say that this made sense to me.  Here's Megan who has never failed.  As a secretary she was awesome I mean she got an invite to Disneyland and a marriage proposal in a matter of months.  As a copywriter she got a CLIO, in less than a year, and as an actress she was the lead on a hit soap.  So yes now that she's discovering that in CA she has to work for something she's spinning out, which was reaffiremd with that weird convo with Don that led to her kicking him out.  Do I think she overreacted to news of Don being on leave?  Yes and no.  I mean I can see why she's so angry, he was lying to her, not so much about being on leave but by not confessing that he has no intentions of moving to Hollywood.

This episode was more about Don and with his wife furious with him he finally got the kick in the pants he needed to go demand for his job back.  I loved he and Roger arguing, I had missed that, and after making Don wait all morning and part of the afternoon Roger called the meeting (where he fought for Don) that Don had been waiting for and with some embarrassing conditions outlined, Don accepts with a chipper, 'okay,' then Jimi Hendrix is playing.  By far one of my favorite endings to a MM episode because I just could not believe it.  While Joan was reading off the conditions; no drinking, no going off script, having to answer to Lou, I was yelling at my TV, "get up and walk out,  you don't need this."  But what would Don do?  He really didn't want to work anywhere else, afterall he founded this firm.  And we've seen Don merge a firm, we've seen him start his own firm and then merge again, but we've never seen him be a type of underling with rules to follow.  Let's see how this plays out.

Final thoughts:

*How awkward/sad was that interaction with Joan when Don returned?
*I felt the anxiety/nervousness that Don felt as he looked at his watch.
*The knock on the hotel room door, I totally thought it was going to be the women from the bar not Roger in his robe-you got me
*Peggy? Really?  You're still blaming Don for Ted leaving??? Get a clue.
*Poor Bobby-"I wish it were yesterday."  Betty is a horrible mother and I love to watch it if only to feel better about my own parenting skills, she doesn't set the bar too high lol


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