
I have been M.I.A. because life has taken me hostage!

I'm back home, visiting my folks because it's winter break and I turned grades in, and the boys need to see their grandparents, but also because I knew that I would be releasing my book this week.

I received the cover art from the very talented Ms. Yvonne Lucero and so there was nothing holding me back from pulling the trigger and becoming a published author. 

The thing is, that is terrifying!  So I needed to be back home, the place where as soon as I pull into town the radio starts playing all my favorite songs.  And I don't know if they are all my favorite songs or if it's because I'm back where I grew up that suddenly every song is my favorite song.  But I needed that comfort and familiarity.

Don't get me wrong my husband and friends are a great support system (see previous post, "What Am I Thankful For), but nothing can protect me like my hometown.  The mountains even sent some snow my way just because they knew I was coming :) 

There's just something about staying up into the wee hours working on my book that reminds me so much of school nights past that humbles me and grounds me and gives me that extra boost of confidence to select, "Save & Publish" on Amazon's KDP, which is what I just did seven minutes ago.  KDP assures me that it will still be another 12 hours before anyone can read Harlow Whittaker & The Soothsayers but I'm surprisingly at ease for when those 12 hours are up and my writing is exposed to the wold because, I'm back home.



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